Implementing Successful Mentoring Programs:
Career Definition vs. Mentoring Approach
Kirsten M. Poulsen, CEO and Management Consultant, KMP+ House of Mentoring
First published in: Industrial and Commercial Training, vol 38 no. 5, 2006,
The purpose of this paper is to present the challenges posed by designing and implementing mentoring programs when program coordinators, managers and participants may hold different assumptions about what mentoring is and what career development is. It aims to create an awareness of the inherent conflict.
Hvad er mentoring? Dialogisk vs. Monologisk tilgang
Leo Smith, Ekstern lector, Aarhus Universitet; Udgivet af KMP+ House of Mentoring.
Download vores artikel Hvad er mentoring? Dialogisk vs. Monologisk tilgang, hvor vi dykker ned i de komplekse definitioner af mentoring. Med mere end 50 forskellige definitioner på området, udforsker vi, hvordan man sikrer en fælles forståelse af det samme fænomen. Det kan et kontinuum - dvs. en skala, hvor overgangen fra et element til det næste er næsten umærkbar, men hvor der er to markant forskellige yderpunkter: monologisk og dialogisk mentoring. Denne tilgang kan give indsigt i, hvordan vi bedst forstår og anvender mentoring i praksis.
Mentoring Programmes - Learning opportunities for mentees, for mentors, for organisations and for society
Kirsten M. Poulsen, CEO and Management Consultant, KMP+ House of Mentoring
First published in: Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 45 no. 5, 2013,
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the definition and learning process of mentoring, a structured overview of the value of mentoring for mentees, mentors, organisations, and society, as well as present the key element for designing and implementing successful mentoring programmes that gives full value to all stakeholders.